Their Arts, Media and Entertainment (AME) Career Readiness Program seeks to create broader impact and access to employment through viable school to career pathways that result in registered pre-apprenticeship, registered youth apprenticeship, below-the-line production crafts training, and other career readiness opportunities.
The California Film Commission (CFC) administers the California Film and Television Tax Credit Program, which provides tax credits to eligible film and TV productions that meet the Program’s criteria. As part of this criteria, productions can financially contribute to Arts, Media, and Entertainment (AME) Career Technical Education (CTE) programs facilitated by California Local and State Education Agencies, including the California Department of Education’s (CDE) AME sector. AME provides training for high school students to prepare for entry into jobs pertinent to the film and television industry, with a goal of creating broader impact and access to employment through viable school to career pathways that result in registered pre-apprenticeship, registered youth apprenticeship, below-the-line production crafts training, and other career readiness opportunities.
Learn about more EIF funds equipping underserved youth with career training and opportunities.
The Roybal School of Film and Television Production is building a more inclusive pipeline of historically underrepresented, college and career-ready students interested in the film and television industries.
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