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Ukraine Children’s Action Project

The Ukraine Children’s Action Project (UCAP) is working to ensure that all children in Ukraine have access to the vital resources they need to stay safe and secure in the face of war and devastation.
Ukraine Children's Action Project collage

“Life-saving, hope-delivering, resilience-reinforcing programs, services and essential humanitarian support for Ukraine’s displaced and refugee children – extraordinary young people in the cross-hairs of an out of control superpower…”
– Irwin & Karen Redlener

Dr. Irwin and Karen Redlener - Ukraine Children's Action Project at mobile medical unit
Ukraine Children’s Action Project Co-Founders Dr. Irwin Redlener & Karen Redlener
Ukraine Children’s Action Project Co-Founders Dr. Irwin Redlener & Karen Redlener

The Ukraine Children’s Action Project was established to assess and support the urgent needs of displaced children who have escaped from a brutal Russian invasion that began on February 24, 2022. Since that time, nearly 2/3 of Ukraine’s children under age 15 have fled besieged areas in eastern regions of the nation. Many of these children have been severely traumatized and/ or have been unable to continue their education. But when the war/ terror campaign is over, they must be ready and able to return to Ukraine as an essential part of the nation’s future.


UCAP works with local officials and non-governmental organizations in Lviv, Ukraine and countries, especially Poland, that are continuing to receive Ukrainian refugees to optimize the health, well-being and education of children who have been separated by war from their homes and communities.

Please visit www.ucap.help to learn more.

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