Ocean Wise

Ocean Wise builds communities that take meaningful action to protect and restore our ocean.
Ocean Wise Group Youth to Sea

Ocean Wise turns knowledge of the ocean into action for the ocean.

The ocean is critical to life on this planet, we need it for the food we eat, the air we breathe and lifestyle we enjoy. The beach, without a healthy ocean, is just sand. But the ocean needs us as much as we need it.

Ocean Wise builds communities that take meaningful action to protect and restore our ocean. Together – with business leaders, researchers, community members, governments and ocean lovers around the world – we are monitoring and protecting whales, fighting climate change and restoring biodiversity, protecting and restoring fish stocks, innovating for a plastic free ocean, and educating and empowering youth.

We will need millions of people, those on the coast as well as those landlocked individuals, to join us for our ocean. Our ability to thrive on this planet depends on it.

You can learn more about our work at ocean.org.

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